Oh Father let my heart not grow cold and so to be your reluctant daughter.
I want to come back to my first love-to you my Prince of Peace;
I come and bow down to you as Bathsheba to King Solomon to see the wisdom You hold; I come as Ruth to Boaz to glean in Your field-for I will go after none other except You;
I come as Esther Queen of Persia presenting herself to her king-aware His presence may bring death-to secure her deliverance;
Oh Lord I was despised when I was born-but You passed by me and said to me “LIVE”! you crowned me and clothed me and made me to be royalty and set me on high with You;
Why do I run from you-why do I turn my face from You? You are Faithful and True!
Lord take me in Your Holy arms-I set the crimson cord in the window for you to save me- as you did Rahab; Wash me clean with Your Living Water as You did the woman at the well; Show me how to have a heart like David-one that is after Yours; teach me to have a faithful heart Like Abraham-so willing to believe!
Open my eyes to you as you open Hagar’s eyes, help me to build you a legacy as Tamar built up the house of Israel. You are my Father—let me no longer be your reluctant daughter-
© 2008 Heather Green